Raymond has always wanted to go wild hog hunting, so we planned a special stop on our way through Georgia at Woods-n-Water near Macon.

Hunters usually stay in one of their cabins, but they allowed us to bring our rig and set up near base camp. We were dry camping for the week, which we had not done in quite some time. It was a nice change of pace, and we all enjoyed unplugging for the week. The trees were busy with birds in the mornings, and in the evenings we heard owls, turkeys and coyotes. Our dry camping video is posted HERE.

The boys both scored themselves a hog, and had a great time!

Harper and I also made friends with the pet pigs at base camp.

We took a day to drive into nearby Milledgeville, Georgia, to track down some family history. I was able to find the Georgia Military College where my grandfather attending and the apartment where he once lived.

We also learned so much about Milledgeville. Did you know that it was once the Georgia state capitol, and served as a major key point during the Civil War? It is said to be where Sherman began his "March to the Sea," and you can still take tours of the Old Governor's Mansion. We didn't take the hour-long tour because we had the dogs with us (and it was a very hot day,) but it looked really interesting.
