We were only in Okeechobee for two days, but we made the most of our time exploring and fishing. When we pulled up to find our campsite right next to a little pond, the kids immediately broke out the fishing gear. The boys caught three huge catfish, all different types. We also caught several smaller fish we THINK are sunfish. In the late afternoon we spotted a tiny little alligator and several turtles swimming around the water.
Lake Okeechobee is known as "Florida's Inland Sea," and it covers over 730 square miles.
Our campsite was less than a mile from the lake, so it was easy to explore around the water's edge a little. It was absolutely huge, full of reeds all around the perimeter and surrounded by campgrounds and marshlands. It's easy to see how this lake would produce epic bass fishing. We spotted a huge alligator just floating in the water near the shore. A long canal runs around the lake, and a walking/biking trail is between the canal and lake. We did a little walking and got to see a boat passing through a lock from the lake to the canal. The lock operator was so happy to tell us all about how the waterway locks works.
Our campground also had a 9-hole golf course, and Raymond and Sawyer were able to squeeze in a morning round before we had to hit the road. The weather has definitely reached epic winter levels - high 80's and high humidity. We're certainly not used to breaking a sweat in February, but we're LOVING the sunshine!